A roundup of news links related to cohousing
BC Celebrates a Quarter-Century of Cohousing | The Tyee - Fabulous bio with big, splashy, colorful photos of the Windsong community in Langley, British Columbia.
A new cohousing community in Spokane, WA, is garnering a lot of favorable attention in its regional press outlets:
Common residential complex makes its debut in Spokane - “You just stepped into an alternate reality,” Mariah McKay told a recent visitor to Haystack Heights, a cohousing community nearing completion in Spokane. That alternate reality spans almost 3 acres and comprises much of a large square block. That’s where McKay and her husband, Jim Dawson, have led a four-year effort to create a 39-unit cohousing community that will be home to 65 adults and 12 kids by the end of the year.
Packed In: 'It's just another option of housing': Families get ready to move into co-housing neighborhood - KXLY - Local TV news segment, with an accompanying brief article