Despite our community's relative youth -- we're about 3-5 years old, depending on how you count these things -- we've already started a holiday tradition or two:
Our annual Post-Thanksgiving Day Hike/Potluck. This year, we rented a shelter at Eno River State Park, grilled and shared good food, and chased that with a good long hike in the woods.
Jackie shared one of her family's traditions that several of us adopted this year: making a holiday wreath. The goal was to get some wreath frames; gather interesting twigs, branches, berries, etc. from the Eno hike; and then wire them all together later that day at Fullsteam Brewery.
Carol singing in Mary's backyard! And then putting her chickens into their coop for the night.
Some of us also attended a holiday gathering at Jackie and David's building's common room. Although we're all vaxed and boosted, large indoor gatherings are still rare for us.