I started life in Montgomery, Alabama, in November, 1955. Rosa! She "sits, so Martin can stand." Civil rights, bus boycotts, integration.... Then Bangkok, Thailand; Madison, Wisconsin; McLean, Virginia; Camp Springs, Maryland; the Philippines; Colorado Springs, Colorado: I move with my family as the Air Force necessitates.
As an adult I travel to Paris, France; Pocatello, Idaho; and twice back to Colorado, before raising my two daughters while teaching at Selwyn, a private Montessori school in Denton, Texas. There, and while attending Texas Woman’s University, I find a supportive community and fabulous friends, as do my girls. Later on, I work for an amazing year without phone or car teaching in another Montessori school (of course) in Columbia, Missouri.
Now I am a grandmother and hope to live in the extended family of activists working for planetary health through the necessary deep adaptations that big shifts require! I feel very deeply connected to Bull City Commons and especially love all the wonderful people who have been involved! I have learned so many things along this year and a half. Sociocracy, our decision-making model, is like "Montessori for grownups," and it has given me a new respect for group process within the randomly self-selecting community. I firmly believe cohousing is one of the steps we need to learn in order to live together here, for the future we will create now.