Very happy to embark on this new chapter in my life – the creation of BCC community.
I grew up in England and went to St Mary’s Hospital Medical School, London. After graduation I joined the Royal Navy as a Medical Officer. I served two years at sea in frigates, then a year at HMS Dolphin Submarine Escape Training Tank and subsequently four years of anesthesia training in Portsmouth & Plymouth. I then worked in the National Health Service for 2 years before I came to Duke in 1998 for further anesthesia training.
Jackie, Nick, Doug & I loved living here in the US and jumped at the opportunity to continue working at Duke. We lived in Chapel Hill and Carrboro before moving to Old North Durham in 2007. So we have been witness to the significant changes in downtown Durham and are very pleased to remain in the heart of Durham with BCC.
My clinical research interest in hypoxia has enabled me to combine work with travel – high altitude projects in Nepal and Peru and breath-hold diving in Croatia. I enjoy riding motorcycles with our sons and will form the nascent BCC MCC (MotorCyclingClub) with Samuel!
"I love David’s calm composure. It is often exactly what is needed when some of us get too wound up. He restores calm with sense and sensibility, and a good dose of humor."